Sunday 2 November 2014

The Arts and Crafts Movement, Crystal Palace Exhibition

The Arts and Crafts Movement

The arts and crafts movement was oriented in Britain during the late nineteenth century. It is the movement that we see the architects and also the designers taking part in this movement. This movement was between the years of the 1850-1914. This movement was also characterized by the style of the medieval times. The most famous designer that we can see in this movement is William Morris.

The first phase that happened during this movement was the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and also by the Medieval Escapism.  In this case we can see three popular artists that are Dante Gabriel Rosetti (1828-1882), Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) and also Ford Madox Brown (1821-1882) which all designed for the Morris and Co and also by Gothic Revivalism which it was practiced by the architect George Edmund Street (1824-1881). While the reforming of the ideas of Augustus Pugin and also John Ruskin William Morris was being the first designer to attempt to put many of the theories into practice while he established Morris, Marshall and Faulkner and Co in the 1861 where in the 1874 it was changed to the Morris and Co, then they put their publishing division Kelmscott which the work was associated with the arts and crafts. This style is in several types of styles such as in the design including the architecture also in the typography and books, printing and also textiles and interior design.

This movement was also placed in the higher importance it is because of the craftsmanship while it was emphasized the importance of the art to contribute the economic reform.

                                                     William Morris, Tulip and Willow, 1873
                                  The Nature of the Gothic, Printed    by William Morris, 1892
                                              Standen House, Designed by Phillip Roth, 1891
                                                         Cowper Rose, Sydney, Australia

Arts and Crafts Movement
Arts & Crafts : Design Is History. 2013. Arts & Crafts : Design Is History. [ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed 18 May 2013].
Arts & Crafts : Design Is History. 2014. Arts & Crafts : Design Is History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 November 2014]. (Image)

Author: Charlotte and Peter Fiell, Title of the Book : Design of the 20 th century, Published: Taschen, Page

Crystal Palace Exhibition

The crystal palace is the hugest glass and iron structure that was built in the 1851 for the Great Exhibition where it was held in London’s Hyde Park. The idea was of Prince Albert who was the head of Society of Arts where he wanted to impress the world with the Britain’s industrial achievements. The countries that were included were France, the United States, Russia, Turkey, and also Egypt that these all attended with the exhibits which fell into four main categories that are the Raw Materials, Machinery, Manufacturers and also Fine Art.

The Crystal Palace was  designed by Sir Joseph Paxton which it finished in October of the year 1851 where  after it  finished  in that  year the  Great  Exhibition  he  had  the  idea  of  moving it to  the  Penge Place Estate, Sydenham as a Winter Park and also as a Garden under Glass.
The Penge Place had now been named as the Crystal Palace Park which it was owned by the Paxton’s friend and also by the railway entrepreneur Leo Schuster. In august of the year 1852 it saw the rebuilding work and in June 1854 the Crystal Palace was re-opened to its new location by the Queen Victoria., where the whole building was 1,848 feet long and 408 feet wide which it includes the huge towers and also many fountains with over 11.000 jets rising into the air, this building was enormous.

The crystal palace got damaged by strong winds in the year 1861 and on Sunday the 30th of December 1866 a fire broke out and destroyed the North End if the building along with many history exhibitions that were natural.

The Crystal Palace
BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History. 2014. BBC - London - History - Crystal Palace: A History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 November 2014].

The Crystal Palace: Home to the Great Exhibition of 1851 | Architessica. 2014.The Crystal Palace: Home to the Great Exhibition of 1851 | Architessica. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 November 2014].

Roman Columns: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Roman Columns: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

In the classical era, one can see that it was a time of great architectural acievements, where we see men’s ingeniuity at its best when it comes to architecture. And the centre stage for all this evolvement was in Greece having the Parthenon in Athens as one on the most famous.
As part of the ingeniuities made, were the coloumns’ deseigns. We see that three types of columns were started being produced, those Doric, Ionic and Corinth.

Doric columns are the simplest of all three designs, one of the strongest and even the oldest. It is mainly composted by a capital (the top, or crown) made of a circle topped by a square, the shaft (the tall part of the column), which has 20 sides, all plain.
When it comes to design, it is good that there is no base. It is very plain and like most Greek styles, it compliments well with the façade architecture with their rectangular shape. Other parts of the column include the frieze, the metopes which are plain, smooth stone section between the triglyphs; of which are a pattern of 3 vertical lines between the metopes.

Ionic columns were more decorative and taller than Doric Columns, making them look slender. Some of the features of the columns were the flutes, which are lines carved into the column from top to bottom; the entasis, which is like a lump in the columns to make them look straight, even when they are viewed from a distance, ignoring perspective. Other parts of the columns were the frieze, which acts like a plain; the bases which were when compared to the rest of the column; and Ionic capitals, which are mainly composed of scrolls above the shaft.

The Corinthian order is the most decorative of the three Classical Styles’ columns types and one which was mostly used, even if done today. In the Corinthian style, entasis are also used to make the shafts look straight. The Corinthian capitals have flowers and leaves below a small scroll, which make them nicely decorated and even interesting. The shaft of the column most of the time have flutes. When it comes to the base, is like the Ionian Columns. Unlike the Doric and Ionian cornices, which are at a slant, the Corinthian have flat roofs.

Roman Columns: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Roman Columns. 2014. Roman Columns. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 November 2014].

Saturday 1 November 2014

Human's first invented tools , The Plough, The first wheel

Human’s first invented tools  

The human beings were always inventors, were over 4000,000 years ago the ancient relatives created the stones tools such as the axe.   Then about 30,000 years ago they started discovering by using the skin of the animals by sewing them together and make clothes out of their skin.  We also know that bines were another discovery during those times where the bones were first used to make musical instruments over 20,000 years ago. These people had to invent everything themselves where they also had to discover how to make fire so that they will be able to cook, the fire was also used for making some light during night time.

At that time human had to go hunting so that they can live so the early humans invented that with the bones of the animals they invented the arrows and bows where they added some sharp stone tips to them. To shape the stone tools they used stone as hammer. These particular tools were found in Tanzania in Africa.

Comments:  At that time humans  had to invent the  tools  by themselves  not  like  nowadays  you find everything ready, with the help  of these humans we have the tools that help us have a comfortable life more that it was for them. At those time they had to work with what they find and have available so at those times stone was the most material that they had so they had to invent the tools with the stones. nowadays the hammer and  more tools  are  all with  different  form and  have a  handle to be  more  comfortable  for the person who is  using it. 

Human’s first invented tools  
. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 October 2014].
. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: (image)            [Accessed 20 October 2014].

The plough

The Agriculture and farming where are highly important , they were important was back into the early bronze age where by the usage of wooden tools the civilization at that time used to plough their fields , the farming industry was highly important since it was from their cultivation that they could get their daily living, Since their plough tools were made by degradable material such as wood we still can note that during 1987 where a tool was discovered showing and leading us to understand that not all the wood is degradable.

 This plough consists in 3 parts which are: Plough-stock/ plough-share (working part) Plough beam, enabling the tool fastening to the  Yoke Plough- stilt, a sort of shaft to control the direction and the furrows’ depth These three ploughs that are mentioned have the shape different from each other, where the plough- beam and the plough-stock/ plough-share that are all made out of single pieces which are made out of an oak branch, whilst the plough-stilt is fitted to the stock. 

Comments: These days we still see a little bit of farmers and fields but the machines that are used nowadays are more with a high standard and are easy to use. Also these machines that are used these days are safety because if something happens there is a switch which the machine will be put off faster. 

The plough
PLOUGH. 2014. PLOUGH. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2014].

The first wheel

 The first wheel which researchers agreed that it was invented during the year of 3500 BC, the place is Mesopotamia which now that are is occupied by the Iraq. In the 3200BC the first wheel was transported where its purpose was to be moves to the Mesopotamians chariots. The first wheel was invented first by the Sumerians in the 5th millennium. They didn’t have any attachments to the vehicles at that time so the form of the first wheel was made out of pottery, the wheel was not inspired  by the rolling logs  in fact there is no proof.   Even though to be with history the beginning of the wheel goes back to the Paleolithic era which is 15,000 to 750,000 years ago.

It has been 1,500 years for the ancestors to think on how to do the next step in the wheel. In that time they needed the transportation to be fast and the idea of using less material was stemmed this technological breakout. The Egyptians were the first one that has the credits of the implementation of a spoked wheel in their model year 2000BC chariots. By carving both sides to shape they narrowed it but it was the Greeks that they introduced the cross-bar, or the H-type, wheel.  

The iron rims that are around the wheel were first see on Celtic chariots in 1000 BC, although the spoked wheel remained the same until 1802, G.F. Bauer have registered a patent with the first wire tension spoke. This wire consisted of a length wire which threaded through the rim of the wheel and will secure both ends to the hub. The spoke wire evolved into the round tension where we can see it on the bicycles nowadays. 

Comments : At that time the human had to invent the tools and objects by themselves although they didn’t come perfect for then they still be usable and work good for that time, by time the objects and tools will start to evolve and will start to get more  in a modern style. We also see that nowadays the materials that are used are stronger and perfect such as the bicycle wheel looks perfect.  

 The first wheel
Ebofi - Electronic Book of Inventions: The wheel of Mesopotamia and 2000 BC ancient Wheels. 2014. Ebofi - Electronic Book of Inventions: The wheel of Mesopotamia and 2000 BC ancient Wheels. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2014].
History of the Wheel - autoevolution. 2014. History of the Wheel - autoevolution. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2014].

Monday 20 October 2014

Introduction about what is design, the first inventor of the pencil and the calculator

What is design???

Definition: Design is a drawing that shows us the function and shows us also the look or also the working building, garments and more other objects before it will be made from the particular material.

We can see the 3D design which will be shown from the form, organic and also geometric. It also has the function and has an aesthetically pleasing aspect we when we make the design we have to be careful as well on the ergonomics site where we have to show it on our design. Most of the design will also have a concept behind each design and also have a subject. When making a design you will necessary need the process so that you show that the design you've done can be done with the material. You have also to be careful about the material not each design will be suitable for all the materials. Most of all the design you make have to satisfy the customer and also the industrial aspect.  When making a design you also be in the category of creating something and being creative.

Design is a man-made. 

What is design??

. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 October 2014]. (Image)


Konrad Gesner is the designer that invented the pencil in 1565 which till these days the pencil is one of the most used writing tool. Konrad Gesner has made a sketch of the pencil which that helps us realize that design have to be sketches before it is made. In that days the pencil had to be replaced with the pen but the pen were much more expensive and also you can risk that the ink will ruin your work if it will leak or spill. The pencil is much more different because the graphite was used which is a material that the Greeks found to mark the objects. The material of the pencil is wood so you can carve the pencil and you can write with it nowadays we find sharpeners to sharp the pencil. The pencil has been incorporated in the artworks and also in design. 

Konrad Gesner 
Sketch of the pencil 
Konrad Gesner pencil 


Comments: In those days they didn't have their life as easy as it is nowadays they had to try and invent the objects so that they can work, with the least things they had they invented the pencil. To sharpen the pencils they didn't have any sharpeners they had to carve it. But I still like the historical pencil it looks perfect. And as we can see there is the design and then he made the real object with the help of the design. 

Konrad Gesner

graphitepencilseet - home. 2014. graphitepencilseet - home. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 October 2014].      

. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 October 2014]. (Image) 


Blaise Pascal was the first inventor of the calculators in the 1642. Pascal was the inventor of the digital calculator and also build it this all happened when he was 18 years old and was meant for helping his father to perform the tedious tax accounting. The digital calculator was named Pascal’s calculator of the Pascaline. He continued working in his design and made some improvements and built fifty Pascaline machines in total. The first Pascal calculator was only with 5 digits but by time he started improving and developed then to 6 digits and the to 8 digit versions.

The calculator that Pascal invented had a metal wheel dials were it will be turned to the appropriate number using the stylus the answer will be appearing on the top of the calculated in boxes. The material of this calculator was polished brass box with the dimensions of 350mm by 125mm by 75mm. It was also designed to be carried.  

Comments: It is impressive how he invented a calculator that makes the things as the calculators that we know nowadays. By time the calculators came electronic that it will work with batteries or with solar and are smaller than they were in the 1642. I like the fact that the brass calculator has a lot of details such as it was made by a metal wheel which it is impressive how it works. I think it might be not that comfortable to carry around and nowadays we find calculators on watches and also on mobiles.  

Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal - first digital calculating machine : 2014. Blaise Pascal - first digital calculating machine : [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 October 2014].

. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 October 2014]. (Image) Hand watch