Saturday 1 November 2014

Human's first invented tools , The Plough, The first wheel

Human’s first invented tools  

The human beings were always inventors, were over 4000,000 years ago the ancient relatives created the stones tools such as the axe.   Then about 30,000 years ago they started discovering by using the skin of the animals by sewing them together and make clothes out of their skin.  We also know that bines were another discovery during those times where the bones were first used to make musical instruments over 20,000 years ago. These people had to invent everything themselves where they also had to discover how to make fire so that they will be able to cook, the fire was also used for making some light during night time.

At that time human had to go hunting so that they can live so the early humans invented that with the bones of the animals they invented the arrows and bows where they added some sharp stone tips to them. To shape the stone tools they used stone as hammer. These particular tools were found in Tanzania in Africa.

Comments:  At that time humans  had to invent the  tools  by themselves  not  like  nowadays  you find everything ready, with the help  of these humans we have the tools that help us have a comfortable life more that it was for them. At those time they had to work with what they find and have available so at those times stone was the most material that they had so they had to invent the tools with the stones. nowadays the hammer and  more tools  are  all with  different  form and  have a  handle to be  more  comfortable  for the person who is  using it. 

Human’s first invented tools  
. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 October 2014].
. 2014. . [ONLINE] Available at: (image)            [Accessed 20 October 2014].

The plough

The Agriculture and farming where are highly important , they were important was back into the early bronze age where by the usage of wooden tools the civilization at that time used to plough their fields , the farming industry was highly important since it was from their cultivation that they could get their daily living, Since their plough tools were made by degradable material such as wood we still can note that during 1987 where a tool was discovered showing and leading us to understand that not all the wood is degradable.

 This plough consists in 3 parts which are: Plough-stock/ plough-share (working part) Plough beam, enabling the tool fastening to the  Yoke Plough- stilt, a sort of shaft to control the direction and the furrows’ depth These three ploughs that are mentioned have the shape different from each other, where the plough- beam and the plough-stock/ plough-share that are all made out of single pieces which are made out of an oak branch, whilst the plough-stilt is fitted to the stock. 

Comments: These days we still see a little bit of farmers and fields but the machines that are used nowadays are more with a high standard and are easy to use. Also these machines that are used these days are safety because if something happens there is a switch which the machine will be put off faster. 

The plough
PLOUGH. 2014. PLOUGH. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2014].

The first wheel

 The first wheel which researchers agreed that it was invented during the year of 3500 BC, the place is Mesopotamia which now that are is occupied by the Iraq. In the 3200BC the first wheel was transported where its purpose was to be moves to the Mesopotamians chariots. The first wheel was invented first by the Sumerians in the 5th millennium. They didn’t have any attachments to the vehicles at that time so the form of the first wheel was made out of pottery, the wheel was not inspired  by the rolling logs  in fact there is no proof.   Even though to be with history the beginning of the wheel goes back to the Paleolithic era which is 15,000 to 750,000 years ago.

It has been 1,500 years for the ancestors to think on how to do the next step in the wheel. In that time they needed the transportation to be fast and the idea of using less material was stemmed this technological breakout. The Egyptians were the first one that has the credits of the implementation of a spoked wheel in their model year 2000BC chariots. By carving both sides to shape they narrowed it but it was the Greeks that they introduced the cross-bar, or the H-type, wheel.  

The iron rims that are around the wheel were first see on Celtic chariots in 1000 BC, although the spoked wheel remained the same until 1802, G.F. Bauer have registered a patent with the first wire tension spoke. This wire consisted of a length wire which threaded through the rim of the wheel and will secure both ends to the hub. The spoke wire evolved into the round tension where we can see it on the bicycles nowadays. 

Comments : At that time the human had to invent the tools and objects by themselves although they didn’t come perfect for then they still be usable and work good for that time, by time the objects and tools will start to evolve and will start to get more  in a modern style. We also see that nowadays the materials that are used are stronger and perfect such as the bicycle wheel looks perfect.  

 The first wheel
Ebofi - Electronic Book of Inventions: The wheel of Mesopotamia and 2000 BC ancient Wheels. 2014. Ebofi - Electronic Book of Inventions: The wheel of Mesopotamia and 2000 BC ancient Wheels. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2014].
History of the Wheel - autoevolution. 2014. History of the Wheel - autoevolution. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 October 2014].

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