Sunday 25 January 2015



The Pre-Raphaelites is a British art during the 19th century. It began in 1848 which  was  a  secret group  of  artists who  these artists are Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti which was  his brother, Thomas Woolner, William Holman Hunt, Frederic Geroge Stephens, James Collinson and also John Everett Millais.  These artists were revolting against the current art establishments , which was mainly the British Royal Academy. The  gole of the  Pre-Raphalites  was to remain  secret where  the  meaning of  the initials  were PRB which  inscribes on their painting which became  public possible  by  Dante Gabriel Rosetti.
The early work  of  the brotherhood  were  different from their  late  works which  were  mostly  associated to them. The first paintings of the brotherhoods were controversially applied with the bold which was the new realism to the secret subjects. The brotherhood were mostly decade before the French impressionism which their brushes captures the insalubrious subjects form the urban life.

We also  can see that in the 1850 there were some critics which  were  the darling  of  the  nation  Charles Dickens and we also  can  see a painter  who  was  in  question that  was the 21 year old Pre  Raphaelite John Everett Millais.  The group wanted a revolution where the brotherhood founded in the 1848 when there was a revolution with a different kind which was started spreading across Europe, where we can see a communist manifesto which was published for Karl Marks.

Christ in the house of his parents

John Everalt Millai and two fellow students were fired by the political thermos which was a prestigious royal school. We also can see that William Holman Hunt aged 21 and also Gabriel Rossetti aged 22 has also decided to overturn the British art. They all agreed that during the 19th century the British art became lazy, predictable and also boring. They decided to simplify the art of John Ruskin.  The Pre-Raphaelite group was also  interested in the  literature and also  in  poetry also they  were  interested  in  the  visual art from the very start. They decided to paint moral subjects which were drawn from the literature and also the bible.
Hunt had also  some  complains  where  he  complained on  why  should the  composition of the paining has to be perspective  such  as  the pyramids and  also  why the  highest  light has  to be on the  principal figure and  also  why  it  has  to be  always  on  one  corner  of the  picture and  will  be always in the shades.
The Pre-Raphaelite light means before the Raphaelite light. Raphael was  a  great artist  where his  style got  conventionalized  made  into  a  formula  by his  students  and  also  by the  next  generation  after  that.  

                                                          Christ in the house of his parents

Comments: The Pre-Raphaelites in my opinion shows a lot of the composition in the  painting and also  we cans  see  that  most  of  the  paintings that  are  done  during  the  Pre-Raphaelites  were  based  more  on the  triangular  shape as see of  the  picture  above.

Edward Burne Jones – 1833-1898
He was a British artist also English painter, illustrator and designer a key figure in the second phase of Pre-Raphaelitism. In the 1853 he began studying at the Oxford University, who was intended to train for the priesthood, but  his  interest  was turned to the art which  first  was  by  William Morris , his  fellow student  and  then by  Rossetti who  was remained to decisive influence on him. He then left Oxford without having the degree in the 1856 and then he settled in London.  Rossetti gave him some informal lesson and he attended life drawing courses for a while but essentially he was self-tough, his taste was more classical then Rossetti’s and he elongated forms owed much to the example of Botticelli.  

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